miércoles, 26 de junio de 2019

My blogging experience

I have a good experience in this English class. I developed my skills to speak English too much and my write improve a little more. One of thing that I like is the blogging resource. I don´t knew about that gadget on google. I think is a good platform to publish your own things, and is very well to practice the write in this subject. I think I will continue using this platform giving personal uses. Maybe I will make a new press media or something like that.
I think the method of the subject along of semester is very nice. Is comfortable for the student, and at least I learn too much in this class.
Maybe in the future could be added more themes about write. For example hobbies or food. The methodology of teaching I think was good. The jobs in blogger the Mondays and the class on Tuesdays kept me always in form. Also I like comment to my classmates, it was funny because we take advantage to joke and look how my other classmates write. I think what improved the most were my writing skills. I would like take English IV with the same teacher, I like their class..

lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

My best friend

Even though I am very sociable, there are few people that I consider friend. The Rank of friend forme includes confidence and I am very distrustful. That`s why I have very few friends. In my life I have know two big friends. One of them is Felipe. Felipe has the same age as me, 19. He studies laws in the same university as me, Universidad de Chile. I meet Felipe in the primary school. We had 8 years and he was  attract my attention fro hes sense of humor and symphaty. At today we keep in touch and go out to fest or comercial centers. He give very good advise when are necessary, he help me to much in many occasions. The best memory that I have with Felipe is in the street talking about the life, smoking or drinking something. The other great friend that I have is called Paolo. I meet he in swimming class, I consider Paolo a kind pf sensei in my life. He have four year more than me. He is very Smart and he give me really good advices y dangerous momento of my life. And that`s my best memory of him.

lunes, 10 de junio de 2019

A subject I have enjoyed studying this semester

 Radio it`s my favorite subject in this semester. And at today my favorite of the whole career. In this semester we`re seeing the basic topics of the subject, like modulation, redaction for radio or cover news for the radio. In the next semester I think we will see more advanced things.
The only thing that I don´t like are the actuality test. Sometimes I suffering because I forgot to study for them. However, I can approve anyway.
In class we have seen how to write for radio, because the radio´s writing and the newspaper´s writing are very different. In radio we have to write shorts and concise paragraphs. In the newspapers we can lengthen a little more.
Another thing we have seen in radio is the tone of voice. That is very important for the subject because it determines the amount of people who want to hear you. A more pleasant voice attract more people.
I like this subject because we learn a quick work method. I like that. Also, I like the adrenaline in my body when I have to read in live for the radio.

lunes, 3 de junio de 2019

An expert on your field

The person that I admire don`t have the journalism degree. But he works as a radio announcer and a football match commentator in Chile. His name is Claudio Palma. Palma began his carrer as a sport commentator in the 80s on  te Radio AM Yungay. On that radio Palma told amateur football matches. At today, Palma it`s recognized as one of the best soccer commentators in the country. Palma has twice won the “Copihue de Oro” award for being the best sports commentor. I like him because his comments in the matches make my skin crawl. For example in the final of the “Copa América 2015”. The combination of the  last penalty of Alexis Sanchez and the comment of Claudio Palma make that anyone gets excited. In a month more, Palma will have to comment on the”Copa América that will be held in Brazil. Then he will comment on the qualifiers of the Chilean national soccer team to the World Cup. In a future I want to do what he does.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

Post 5: A photograph I like

This photograph was took by my girlfriend. We were in southern Chile.The photo was taken at dusk on the terrace of the lake where we were staying. To the left I appear looking diagonally up. The shadows and lights makes this photograph great. That is why I like it. As well as I have good memories of that vacations and this photo make me remember that. When I was child I always going there with my parents. The place is called Lican Ray. There I did many friend that at today I conserve. The was taken when I had 17 years old. I believe the photo close a cycle. The childhood end and the star of maturity.
At the time of taking the picture, we realized that there was little light so we decided with my girlfriend it would look better with a set of lights and shadows as seen in the photo.

lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

Post 4: My Favorite Festivity

My favorite festivity is Christmas. Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. The origin of this festivity is based on the birth of Jesus. According to the bible, Jesus was the son of God, who came to earth to save humanity. This is why catholics and Christians celebrate this day.

In this festivity I share with my family and close people during the day. I also drink "cola de mono".

Some years my mother wants to go to the church to pray. I don´t like it but I accompany her anyway

The night before December 25th, I have dinner with the family. But the particular thing about dinner is the amount of food, it's a lot.

This is why I like this celebration. I like to eat a lot and I like to share with my loved ones a lot because in the year maybe I don´t do that so much.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

Post 3: My favorite piece of technology

Since I was  a child I have liked  the technological objects. My parents always rembember that I knew how to use the computer before my older brothers. At today my favorite piece of technology is my Smartphone. It was a gift from my mom. She gave me that as a reward for graduating from school.
I use Smartphone for many things. For example to read the news, check my e-mail or chat with friends. I use it very often. I like the Smartphone because it simplifies the life. I think how it was in the past when the e-mails and telephone were separated. At today that functions and more things are all in the smartphone. The life without my smartphone would be more complicated. I would have to use a notebook in every moment to send an e-mail and that involves more weight in my backpack.