lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

Post 5: A photograph I like

This photograph was took by my girlfriend. We were in southern Chile.The photo was taken at dusk on the terrace of the lake where we were staying. To the left I appear looking diagonally up. The shadows and lights makes this photograph great. That is why I like it. As well as I have good memories of that vacations and this photo make me remember that. When I was child I always going there with my parents. The place is called Lican Ray. There I did many friend that at today I conserve. The was taken when I had 17 years old. I believe the photo close a cycle. The childhood end and the star of maturity.
At the time of taking the picture, we realized that there was little light so we decided with my girlfriend it would look better with a set of lights and shadows as seen in the photo.

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