lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

Post 4: My Favorite Festivity

My favorite festivity is Christmas. Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. The origin of this festivity is based on the birth of Jesus. According to the bible, Jesus was the son of God, who came to earth to save humanity. This is why catholics and Christians celebrate this day.

In this festivity I share with my family and close people during the day. I also drink "cola de mono".

Some years my mother wants to go to the church to pray. I don´t like it but I accompany her anyway

The night before December 25th, I have dinner with the family. But the particular thing about dinner is the amount of food, it's a lot.

This is why I like this celebration. I like to eat a lot and I like to share with my loved ones a lot because in the year maybe I don´t do that so much.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

Post 3: My favorite piece of technology

Since I was  a child I have liked  the technological objects. My parents always rembember that I knew how to use the computer before my older brothers. At today my favorite piece of technology is my Smartphone. It was a gift from my mom. She gave me that as a reward for graduating from school.
I use Smartphone for many things. For example to read the news, check my e-mail or chat with friends. I use it very often. I like the Smartphone because it simplifies the life. I think how it was in the past when the e-mails and telephone were separated. At today that functions and more things are all in the smartphone. The life without my smartphone would be more complicated. I would have to use a notebook in every moment to send an e-mail and that involves more weight in my backpack.

lunes, 15 de abril de 2019

Why Journalism?

When I was a child I used to comment the games of soccer in the school. My schoolmates said that was to funny, and a liked that. But in that moment i wanted to be a swimmer, or at least try it.
At the moment of applying to university  
I always thought of the university that would give me opportunities to keep swimming. I left the carreer only and I rembered that experience when I was child in the school. That thing maked that I choosed journalism. The "Universidad de Chile" is the best in the country in studies and sports, that is why it was my first and only option of university.

My experience in the university at today was good. I think there are good teachers and students and the swimmig selection are to good

I don´t have clearly what kind of job I like to have in the future, but I hope it is related to sports.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019

Post 1: My autobiography

Hello readers, my name is Antonio Sotelo and this is my first post of the semester. In this post I will tell you some things about me.
I was born on June 6th in the commune of "La Florida" in Santiago city. My family is composed by my two brothers and my two parents, even if at today I live with my mother and one of my brothers. I graduated from "Siglo XXI" college in 2016 and I´m studying Journalism in "Universidad de Chile" at the moment.
Since I was 13 I have practiced swimming. Today I belong to the swimming selection of the university.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2019


Hi, my name is Antonio Sotelo.I´m in the second year of journalism at Universidad de Chile. I like English a lot, even if my ability to talk this language is not good enough. But it is important to learn new languages nowadays. I listen to music in English most part of the day. Artists like Kendrick Lamar or Eazy-E are in my playlist on Spotify. I don´t  like to see movies, I prefer the series. The serie Mr. Robot is my favorite. I watch that all in English but with subtitules in Spanish.
The  most difficult aspect for me in English is the conjugation of the verbs when they are in participle. The irregular verbs are very difficult to me. My plan to get over that is by  paying attention in class and trying to learn the most possible participle verbs.